Step 4
Determine a list of potential stormwater retrofit sites, and prioritize.
A “retrofit” is the term often used to describe stormwater practices that are put into place in already developed areas. As the landscape becomes more urban, retrofitting becomes more difficult due to space constraints and the increasing volume of runoff. Even so, urban retrofits are becoming more and more common, even in major metropolitan areas (Chicago has over 7 million square feet of green roof!) Read CLEAR blog about green roofs.
This step comprises the bottom line of your response: it is a combination of your field evaluations from Steps 1-3 and some careful deliberation. Unless your community has considerable stormwater management and LID expertise, this step will be the one that is most likely to require some outside technical assistance. However, there are options between a total “Do It Yourself” approach and simply handing the job over to a consultant. The NEMO team’s experience is that a community that knows what it wants from a consultant saves time and money, and usually receives a better product as a result.
Prioritzing your list of projects