Bioretention Photo Gallery
Bioretention cells are depressed areas of the landscape, planted with vegetation, that accept and infiltrate stormwater. Generally, the term "bioretention" is used for larger engineered practices, and "rain gardens" for smaller practices
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BioretentionBioretention cell for roof runoff, Burton-Shenkman Athletic Complex, UConn campus, Storrs, CT
BioretentionBioretention cell for roof runoff, Echo Aquarium, Burlington, VT (yeah, we know it's not in CT but we like it)
BioretentionParking lot linear bioretention, Westchester County Center, NY (yes, not in CT -- but close!)
BioretentionParking lot linear bioretention, Westchester County Center, NY (yes, not in CT -- but close!)
BioretentionParking lot linear bioretention, Westchester County Center, NY (yes, not in CT -- but close!)
BioretentionBioretention cul-de-sac (center of picture), Jordan Cove Project, Waterford, CT
BioretentionWinterberry showing off, bioretention cell, Laurel Hall, UConn campus, Storrs, CT