Rain Gardens Photo Gallery
A rain garden is a depression, typically planted with shurbs and perennials, that collects stormwater from a roof, driveway or yard and allows it to infiltrate into the ground.
Bioretention | Green Roofs | Green Streets | Other Paving | Pavers | Pervious Asphalt | Pervious Concrete | Rain Gardens | Tree Boxes
Rain GardensRunnel channeling roof runoff (from pipe under driveway) to rain garden, Haddam, CT
Rain GardensFreshly planted rain garden, UConn Natural Resources Conservation Academy, Mansfield, CT
Rain GardensActon Public Library, Old Saybrook, CT
Rain GardensFreshly planted rain, UConn Agricultural Center, Tolland, CT (compare to next photo)
Rain GardensRain garden, UConn Agricultural Center, Tolland, CT (same garden as previous photo)
Rain GardensHappy students pose by their rain garden, NEMO rain garden workshop, Norwich, CT
Rain GardensRain garden, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands (photo courtesy of Horsley Witten Group)